He gives us all his love...he's shining down us from up above he's gives all his love 💕

A Reflection on "Jesus and the Blind Man" (John 9:9-41)

"I was blind, but now I can see," says the blind man. Can't we all relate to this statement? How may times in our lives have we chosen the wrong path for our lives? How many times have we been blinded by our own arrogance? Do we choose God or do we choose our own desires? Someone asked me once how do I know when I make the right decision for my life. I believe that there is one true method. When you have to make a decision in your life ask this question, Will what I have decided bring me closer to God or farther away from God?" Choose GOD!!
Fr. Larry+Jaynes


Patty Schnase said…
Thank you for loving all people enough to have this blog. It's meant for everyone's healing and closer relationship to our Creator.

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