# 61 Letter to my children from GOD

Dear Sweet Soul:
Just know that I love you and hold a special place in my heart with your name on it. Many things can be learned but kindness is within one's soul--a Kiss from me on your tender lips---just before you were born. I sealed your individual path--your kindness destiny...as you came into this world--please believe this. Just try to remember the good things that are in the world: kindness, honor, integrity, grace, honesty, mercy, tenderness and love. Oh, and one of the MOST important--hilarity and fun, fun, fun!!! I so love a good joke, lively dancing and joyous singing--whether you can sing or dance is of no merit to me. Just that you're out there trying...I so love to see you have a raucous good time! Joy is my greatest gift to all of you humans. Please try to remember this: you often seem so serious. Live a little "La Vita Loca" from time to time...will you?
Always remember that I am as close to your cheek as your own breath and that I am on the "Otherside" (your destiny), cheering you on, and doing a bit of the Irish gig too.
I will be waiting for you and until that time comes, Bon Voyage, my dear and beautiful child.
Love, Love, Love, The God of Your Understanding.