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#60 Open Letter to the Women at Santa Monica
I have so much gratitude in my heart because YOU are in it. Wanted to give you the gift of music. Ten songs which are all about shadow and light—and how it’s so easy to “mis step” if we do not pay close attention what the Universe is trying to tell us. There is so much goodness in the world. But I think I have had to learn to wait, breath, and seize the lesson when it presents itself. My time is short at this juncture in my life, and I have tried to teach you everything I know so that you can pass on all the great and wondrous that life has taught me—even when I felt I did not have the time or inclination to pay attention. And that is really what it is all about—paying attention--listening to that still small voice both in ourselves and others. Looking at others as if we are looking at Chirst….that beautiful face of Christ. So on this special time of the year, celebrate your own life too. GOD could have created a world without you…but what sadness would reign in GOD’S heart without you in it. And please enjoy the music. It has been picked especially for those who know enough both to seek the questions…and have the peace within NOT EVER PERHAPS…TO FIND THE ANSWERS. I LOVE YOU SO DEARLY, Allison, Merry Christmas.