My Father would have been 100 today. One of the few pictures I have of my Dad is regrettably the one you see-- so filled with sadness, depression and despair that I almost did not use it. But I wanted to show a life that co
uld have been so much better and more peaceful if mental illness had not been a factor in his life. He suffered so--and all of us suffered as greatly.
Both my Mom and Dad had that genetic "wild card" and passed such angst and sorrow onto my brother, my sister and me.
My brother died from MS, at 59, and my sister-weighing less than 70lbs--died at 67. I am all that is left.
All of our hearts were forsaken.
I think of them always--my family.
I love them.
I miss them.
But I don't miss the memories of our shared brokenness that still sits quietly behind my heart-- that autumn never fails to rekindle.