#17 His Holiness

I have always loved this picture of the Dalai Lama; so filled with love AND mischief...just like I imagine GOD to be.
I recently ran across a quote about those loved ones who have died--concerning forgiveness etc. I thought it was quite beautiful. I would give credit to the author but I cannot seem to find it.
"I think they forgive us our sins because it's easy for them."
I HATE the word "sin" and really appreciate and love the Native American term for sin--"brokenness," so much kinder, so much more compassionate. I almost never--as a chaplain use the word sin--brokenness suits me just fine--and I think it does the GOD of my understanding too--very much indeed in fact.
When it comes to loved ones deceased all my immediate family are gone--succumbed way too early to grief, mental illness, and despair. I think of them all, how I broke their hearts--and they mine. As I write this blog I often feel them over my shoulders --very tenderly--touching my spirit--breathing into my hair--wishing me well. I love that--and thus my reason for me sharing that quote I have shared with you today.
I hope it comforts you too.