#2 Talk given to student nurses in a substance abuse class.

ONE GOD, MANY PATHS: The Many Faces of a Higher Power
What we attempt to do for our substance abuse patients is to give them a sense of God’s love and mercy for them—NO MATTER WHAT. If we can get our patients to believe in their own innate goodness, that they were born GOOD as well as the fact that they are children of a forgiving God and worthy of their Higher Power’s tenderness we have a chance in helping them maintain sobriety. Being true to the spirit of the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, we encourage our patients to find their concept of a Higher Power, “a GOD of their understanding,”—not necessarily the GOD they were raised with--but their very own. Equally as important, I stress a GOD of great humor and laughter. I believe that GOD loves us when we pray...but💖💜🙏 HP ADORES us when we sing and dance!


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